My past experience with this particular playground is not so good. The very few times I have been there, the other mothers have been MISERABLE. I feel like I am back in high school, trying to gain the confidences of all the cheerleader snobby girls (not that they are all attractive-some are just downright worthy of being a nine bagger!). Anywho, but this morning was totally different I am happy to report. Somewhat pathetic, but I was happy no one else was there this morning. Then, a boy and his father joined in and he was very friendly, and his 3 year old son played so well with Owen. So well that when it was time for him to leave, he gave Owen a hug and a kiss!! It was so sweet!! So, thanks to Luke and Demetrios for salvaging my opinion of this playground!
After that, we came home and commenced our surveylance of the neighborhood. Owen took his trusty mower and we walked, and walked and walked. Then? When that was all done? We walked MORE. Now, I am snickering to myself thinking that with the cold, and 3 straight hours of playing, running, and walking, I would get a good nap in return. No dice. 1/2 hour. That sucked. I was hoping to be able to get more things for the yard sale.
My cousin, Jenny was visiting with her brood from Texas. That was one visit that was just not long enough!! It was so much fun spending time with her, and getting to know her kids. Gosh, they are just so cute and she is a fabulous mother.

This is Big D....

And Lil' D..he is 10 days younger than Owen

Jenny and me
In other news, I have resumed work full time. I am ok with this, but the extra hours really do seem to crawl. The only day Owen is in daycare is on Thursdays. Postively love my provider..she is amazing and Owen is completely relaxed at her house..well, except for naptime, that is the only thing they disagree about! Other than that, I am confident and know he is in good hands. See? his first day!!

A very happy anniversary to S&D-celebrating 23 years of bliss (their term, not mine!)this month!! Love you both!!