Sunday, June 22, 2008

No desire to write, feast on photos instead

Digging into that delicious pudding~!

Taking a little rest

Playing with a reflector..toy of the day!

Snoozing on Poor Felix!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

You KNOW you're a bad singer when...

Folding laundry, with your newly acquired and much loved Pink Zune rocking out to Weezer's "Hash Pipe"....and your elderly cat who was very comfortably sleeping on the bed next to you gets up and lays on the kitchen floor instead.

Now THAT is bad.

Friday, June 6, 2008

So much to say..

and just not a lot of energy left to say it. Owen has been AMAZING these past few days..really making leaps and bounds in his social skills. Being able to hold a complete (altho doesn't always make sense) conversation on the phone, and be coherent? Love it.

Also? Adventures in Potty Training has gone into High G. Almost everytime it was time for a diaper change today, we went to the potty. See?

We had many riveting conversations while he was on the potty today. Including, when we did rush to the potty, he was not able to go.

"Penis is broken"
"Honey, it isn't broken, you just don't have to go pee"
**STRAIN, face turns red, give winky a good slap**
"Mommy, it's broken. Doesn't werk"
"Maybe your penis is just napping and doesn't want to work right now."
"Of course"

Many, many of these priceless conversations occurred today. It was a struggle not to laugh at some of them.