Well, not a ton going on over here to report. Finally done with all the May birthday's! We have several of them in our family, and you throw Mother's Day into the mix, May quickly becomes the 2nd most expensive month (December being the 1st).
Owen has been fabulous. More talking, more learning. He spontaneously identified a Triangle as such a few days ago. He can count to 14 on his own, and with hints, can make it to 20. He sings the alphabet song, knows Twinkle Twinkle and a few other songs. Every day he is becoming more and more independent and vocal. I know I will probably regret that in a few years when he won't SHUT UP, but now I love it.
Finally sold John's mother's house after being on the market for way too long. The buyers aren't the most ethical people in the world, but, at least it is over. Nice to have that chapter over.
Gearing up for a big yardsale this weekend. Hopefully can make a few hundred dollars, and get rid of the ugly, broken car that has been in my driveway for almost 2 years. Anyone want to buy a real fixer upper, classic muscle car? 1966 Chevelle. Name a price, it is YOURS.
Other than that, nothing more to report. All's well with Owen, and that is just fine with me!