Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!!

Albeit a tad late, but..I thought of you all!! All my wonderful friends who are mothers, those who desperately want to be, and those who would rather just "borrow" our kids and go home to fur babies.

A recap of my great day:

Vera Bradley WHO?? I have an OBKD Original!

Helping me open things:

My Haul: 2 8x10 frames, 2 5x7's, 2 4x6's, 3 bags of tealights, and several Yankee Candle wax tarts..does my honey know me or WHAT??

My autographed card from Owen:

Goofing around outside

The guys showed up with dinner!! First Cooke's of the season!

A walkway surprise from Owen:

It was a wonderful day, and special thanks to John and Dad and Sue for making it so wonderful for me! Pity it is only one day a year, isn't it???

1 comment:

Weather Channel Chick said...

awwww, what a great mommy day!