HA HA!! After months and months, we have had 1 night of success! It probably doesn't mean a whole heck of alot in the big scheme of things, but last night Owen SLEPT THRU THE NIGHT. All NIGHT. IN HIS OWN BED.
This is a momentous occasion. Happiness and bliss all around the homestead today!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Let's play catch.....up.
Wow-hadn't realized how long it had been since I have updated...time certainly does fly, doesn't it?
We have been having a bit of a rough patch with Owen and his sleeping. It seems as tho he has adopted the sleep schedule of a newborn again. Up at 1am, 4 am...ugh, it is grating. Not sure what to do to break the cycle! It is actually up to John to break it, since he is the one that brings him downstairs into our room, will give him some milk in the middle of the night. I figured I have already done tough love and broken my heart numerous times, he can try it now! But, the key difference is Owen is now sleeping in a big boy bed, so now he just silently drifts downstairs only waiting until he is already in our bed to make himself known.
We have added a puppy into the mix, too. He is a great dog, but a complete spaz. He just had his castration surgery, and then developed a whopper of a UTI. Poor little thing. But, he and Owen get on great most times and I hope that they will be good friends for each other. I had a black lab growing up that was always around us, and such an integral part of our everyday lives. It was a great expereince, and I hope to be able to recreate that for Owen.
Gearing up for Christmas..what fun it is! I have always enjoyed Christmas, but to have the gift of seeing it thru Owen's eyes? It is over the top! We went to see Santa, and he didn't show a moments hesitation. Let the Man in Red know he wanted a tractor, and was very preoccupied with what Santa feeds the reindeer (Cawwots, by the way). He has been great with the tree and all the lights and decorations. And the ability to hang Santa over his head when he is being naughty? Truly priceless! I am going to milk it for all it is worth!!!
Been starting to look at preschools-can't believe it is almost that time. We spent a few hours at one of the top contenders and he blended right in, was participating eagerly, and on his best behavior. Of course, once I make my decision, it will create havoc with the schedule his has had for almost 2 years, but it will be worth it. The teachers were great, and it seemed like they really did enjoy the kids. No bad vibes whatsoever. Still need to look at 2 others that are front-runners, but will do that after the holidays.
Well, the Boy has finally woken up, my time is done for now...
We have been having a bit of a rough patch with Owen and his sleeping. It seems as tho he has adopted the sleep schedule of a newborn again. Up at 1am, 4 am...ugh, it is grating. Not sure what to do to break the cycle! It is actually up to John to break it, since he is the one that brings him downstairs into our room, will give him some milk in the middle of the night. I figured I have already done tough love and broken my heart numerous times, he can try it now! But, the key difference is Owen is now sleeping in a big boy bed, so now he just silently drifts downstairs only waiting until he is already in our bed to make himself known.
We have added a puppy into the mix, too. He is a great dog, but a complete spaz. He just had his castration surgery, and then developed a whopper of a UTI. Poor little thing. But, he and Owen get on great most times and I hope that they will be good friends for each other. I had a black lab growing up that was always around us, and such an integral part of our everyday lives. It was a great expereince, and I hope to be able to recreate that for Owen.
Gearing up for Christmas..what fun it is! I have always enjoyed Christmas, but to have the gift of seeing it thru Owen's eyes? It is over the top! We went to see Santa, and he didn't show a moments hesitation. Let the Man in Red know he wanted a tractor, and was very preoccupied with what Santa feeds the reindeer (Cawwots, by the way). He has been great with the tree and all the lights and decorations. And the ability to hang Santa over his head when he is being naughty? Truly priceless! I am going to milk it for all it is worth!!!
Been starting to look at preschools-can't believe it is almost that time. We spent a few hours at one of the top contenders and he blended right in, was participating eagerly, and on his best behavior. Of course, once I make my decision, it will create havoc with the schedule his has had for almost 2 years, but it will be worth it. The teachers were great, and it seemed like they really did enjoy the kids. No bad vibes whatsoever. Still need to look at 2 others that are front-runners, but will do that after the holidays.
Well, the Boy has finally woken up, my time is done for now...
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Hallmark Moment #182
Owen has been going thru a very Daddy-oriented period. No one can do anything quite as good as Daddy can. He has been John's literal shadow. In the bathroom, down in the basement. Out in the shed, in the kitchen..everywhere.
It was grating a bit on John (and me!~). Finally, John asked Owen
"Why is Daddy so special?"
Without missing a beat, Owen said "because you're my best friend"
All together now...Awwwwwwwwww....................
It was grating a bit on John (and me!~). Finally, John asked Owen
"Why is Daddy so special?"
Without missing a beat, Owen said "because you're my best friend"
All together now...Awwwwwwwwww....................
More of Why It's Good to be Owen...
Going on an authentic Steam Engine Train Ride thru the White Mtns. during peak foliage season:

Seeing a Live Bear Show:

Bumper Boat driving (and he knew how to drive it and squirt the water out!)

He got to look at this every day (multiple times~)

Just adore this picture-the real anticipation and excitement on his face is precious..

Who needs Pumpkins when you a Ham?

Decorating his own hand picked pumpkin at a craft fair:

My 2 guys getting ready to hit the Not So Scary Hayrides at a local farm:

Y'know, the more I was looking at pics for this post, the more I thought about it. Yes, it is good to be Owen, but it is GREAT to be his mother.
*Eyeroll* But it's true!!

Seeing a Live Bear Show:

Bumper Boat driving (and he knew how to drive it and squirt the water out!)

He got to look at this every day (multiple times~)

Just adore this picture-the real anticipation and excitement on his face is precious..

Who needs Pumpkins when you a Ham?

Decorating his own hand picked pumpkin at a craft fair:

My 2 guys getting ready to hit the Not So Scary Hayrides at a local farm:

Y'know, the more I was looking at pics for this post, the more I thought about it. Yes, it is good to be Owen, but it is GREAT to be his mother.
*Eyeroll* But it's true!!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Out of the mouth of babes...
When: Tuesday morning, 7:30 am
Where: Home
John was still sleeping, and Owen and I were playing around in the livingroom. I told him to go into the bedroom, tell Daddy that you loved him, and it was time to wake up.
Owen padded into the bedroom, then came rushing back about 30 seconds later. This is the resulting conversation:
me: Did you tell Daddy that you love him?
Owen: yes.
me: Did you tell Daddy that it was time to wakey-wakey eggs and bacy?
me: Well, what did he say?
Owen: He said...........He said........(the entire time he has his index finger up to his lips, looking at the ceiling) he said he wants a lollipop.
Couldn't help but laugh my tail off at that one!!
Here is a recent picture for your viewing pleasure from the last few days...
Where: Home
John was still sleeping, and Owen and I were playing around in the livingroom. I told him to go into the bedroom, tell Daddy that you loved him, and it was time to wake up.
Owen padded into the bedroom, then came rushing back about 30 seconds later. This is the resulting conversation:
me: Did you tell Daddy that you love him?
Owen: yes.
me: Did you tell Daddy that it was time to wakey-wakey eggs and bacy?
me: Well, what did he say?
Owen: He said...........He said........(the entire time he has his index finger up to his lips, looking at the ceiling) he said he wants a lollipop.
Couldn't help but laugh my tail off at that one!!
Here is a recent picture for your viewing pleasure from the last few days...

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Growing up is so hard....on ME!!
Well. Yesterday was an adventurous day for Owen. He did quite a bit of growing up, and I was completely unprepared.
First order of business on the yucky, overcast & rainy day was a haircut. Normally, we go to one of the cheapie places (Have a hard time justifying $20 plus on haircuts!) and we have had nothing but great luck with all the terrific stylists. He sits on my lap, we are both draped in a cape, and he sits still and doesn't move a muscle. He wanted none of that yesterday. He wanted to sit "all by myself" in the chair. He was animated, funny, and on best behavior. I was so proud!! It was probably the only time I didn't have my camera with me and I regretted it.
Next we come to nap time. For the past 2 solid weeks, he has been taking 2 1/4 to 3 hour naps. It is like clockwork between 1-2 pm. Yesterday, we weren't so lucky. It was probably because we were stuck inside most of the day due to the weather, and he isn't used to that. So, I made many attempts in vain to get him to go down for a nap. As a last straw, I put him in the crib. Not even 2 minutes later, he silently had wandered downstairs and said "Hi Mommy". It took a minute to process this ! He NEVER has climbed out of his crib! He's been tall enough to do it for a long time, but never actually done it! His beloved "cwib"! So, spur of the moment, John and I decided to get a Big Boy Bed. He had slept in one before up in New Hampshire and had marginal success. So, we were very optimistic. Got a lovely pine Shaker mission style twin, comfy mattress, and waterproof mattress pad. He passed out at 5:30pm in the back of the car.
Got him home, laid him on our bed for a little while, set up his new bed, then figured the best way to wake him up would be move him into his new bed. Right? Wrong. He woke up of course, but rolled right over and went back to sleep. He inherits his sleeping from me, I think..he can sleep anywhere. Finally, he woke up and wanted to know every detail about his crib..where is it? Is it at the store? Is it hiding? Is it coming back?
The first night started off fine..he went to bed and stayed in bed til around 3:30am. He ended up downstairs with us and slept in on this still rainy Sunday.
This was his first time checking out his crib, way back when..

And this was last night:

It was hilarious, my parents, S&D, came over to visit, and Owen was very excited to show them his new bed! To the point that when they made it upstairs, he shouted "TA DA!". Now, that was funny.
He did so much growing up yesterday. Now if I could just keep pace with him!
First order of business on the yucky, overcast & rainy day was a haircut. Normally, we go to one of the cheapie places (Have a hard time justifying $20 plus on haircuts!) and we have had nothing but great luck with all the terrific stylists. He sits on my lap, we are both draped in a cape, and he sits still and doesn't move a muscle. He wanted none of that yesterday. He wanted to sit "all by myself" in the chair. He was animated, funny, and on best behavior. I was so proud!! It was probably the only time I didn't have my camera with me and I regretted it.
Next we come to nap time. For the past 2 solid weeks, he has been taking 2 1/4 to 3 hour naps. It is like clockwork between 1-2 pm. Yesterday, we weren't so lucky. It was probably because we were stuck inside most of the day due to the weather, and he isn't used to that. So, I made many attempts in vain to get him to go down for a nap. As a last straw, I put him in the crib. Not even 2 minutes later, he silently had wandered downstairs and said "Hi Mommy". It took a minute to process this ! He NEVER has climbed out of his crib! He's been tall enough to do it for a long time, but never actually done it! His beloved "cwib"! So, spur of the moment, John and I decided to get a Big Boy Bed. He had slept in one before up in New Hampshire and had marginal success. So, we were very optimistic. Got a lovely pine Shaker mission style twin, comfy mattress, and waterproof mattress pad. He passed out at 5:30pm in the back of the car.
Got him home, laid him on our bed for a little while, set up his new bed, then figured the best way to wake him up would be move him into his new bed. Right? Wrong. He woke up of course, but rolled right over and went back to sleep. He inherits his sleeping from me, I think..he can sleep anywhere. Finally, he woke up and wanted to know every detail about his crib..where is it? Is it at the store? Is it hiding? Is it coming back?
The first night started off fine..he went to bed and stayed in bed til around 3:30am. He ended up downstairs with us and slept in on this still rainy Sunday.
This was his first time checking out his crib, way back when..
And this was last night:

It was hilarious, my parents, S&D, came over to visit, and Owen was very excited to show them his new bed! To the point that when they made it upstairs, he shouted "TA DA!". Now, that was funny.
He did so much growing up yesterday. Now if I could just keep pace with him!
Monday, September 22, 2008
The best comfort of all
So, been a bit upset lately that my cousin J, is leaving to go to Switzerland again. This has been an endless drama for a while now..quick background: her and husband M have lived in Switzerland for 12 years, J had a horribly traumitizing pregnancy and birth, and had many, many physical and psycological problems as a result.
For several months, it has been a constantly changing and evolving storyline..is she going? Is he coming? how long is she going to be gone? Will their son adapt well? etc etc.
She is leaving tomorrow. We had a playdate with Owen and her son all day on Friday,and I just didn't want it to end. Even when Owen was in the midst of his 3 hour nap. But, it did. They needed to get going. J and I were going to see each other on Saturday to have a pedicure and go shopping and just hang out. Each time after she departed, I became very upset, crying, sniffling, and shaking. At one point, Owen "patted" my head, and asked me if I was sad. I told him yes, because I am going to miss J. He put his finger to his lips, said "Hmmmm", patted me on the head again and said "We go to the playground and swing"-he paused- "Swinging makes you happy".
It was great. Trying to be positive, know she is coming back in a really short amount of time, but still...going to miss her, but trying not to be sad!!
For several months, it has been a constantly changing and evolving storyline..is she going? Is he coming? how long is she going to be gone? Will their son adapt well? etc etc.
She is leaving tomorrow. We had a playdate with Owen and her son all day on Friday,and I just didn't want it to end. Even when Owen was in the midst of his 3 hour nap. But, it did. They needed to get going. J and I were going to see each other on Saturday to have a pedicure and go shopping and just hang out. Each time after she departed, I became very upset, crying, sniffling, and shaking. At one point, Owen "patted" my head, and asked me if I was sad. I told him yes, because I am going to miss J. He put his finger to his lips, said "Hmmmm", patted me on the head again and said "We go to the playground and swing"-he paused- "Swinging makes you happy".
It was great. Trying to be positive, know she is coming back in a really short amount of time, but still...going to miss her, but trying not to be sad!!
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