Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Time Out Reprise

So the day following our first, immensely traumatizing time out (for me, anyway) We came upon another very valid reason for a TIME.OUT. He was having lunch, and threw his plate filled with mandarin orange wedges all over the floor. The is a valid reason, right? Right.

I advise him that because of throwing the oranges, he is in time out. He cries a bit, throws a bit of a fit. Then? Nothing. He is quite content to sit at the dining room table, looking out the slider and waving at the trees. 2 minutes was up, I told him it was ok to get out of the chair and he says to me "No thank you". No thank you??!! He continued to sit there for another 15 minutes, just talking and blurting things out randomly even tho I compulsively told him it was ok to get down.

It does get easier every time!

1 comment:

Karyn said...

Toldja. Good girl. :)