First order of business on the yucky, overcast & rainy day was a haircut. Normally, we go to one of the cheapie places (Have a hard time justifying $20 plus on haircuts!) and we have had nothing but great luck with all the terrific stylists. He sits on my lap, we are both draped in a cape, and he sits still and doesn't move a muscle. He wanted none of that yesterday. He wanted to sit "all by myself" in the chair. He was animated, funny, and on best behavior. I was so proud!! It was probably the only time I didn't have my camera with me and I regretted it.
Next we come to nap time. For the past 2 solid weeks, he has been taking 2 1/4 to 3 hour naps. It is like clockwork between 1-2 pm. Yesterday, we weren't so lucky. It was probably because we were stuck inside most of the day due to the weather, and he isn't used to that. So, I made many attempts in vain to get him to go down for a nap. As a last straw, I put him in the crib. Not even 2 minutes later, he silently had wandered downstairs and said "Hi Mommy". It took a minute to process this ! He NEVER has climbed out of his crib! He's been tall enough to do it for a long time, but never actually done it! His beloved "cwib"! So, spur of the moment, John and I decided to get a Big Boy Bed. He had slept in one before up in New Hampshire and had marginal success. So, we were very optimistic. Got a lovely pine Shaker mission style twin, comfy mattress, and waterproof mattress pad. He passed out at 5:30pm in the back of the car.
Got him home, laid him on our bed for a little while, set up his new bed, then figured the best way to wake him up would be move him into his new bed. Right? Wrong. He woke up of course, but rolled right over and went back to sleep. He inherits his sleeping from me, I think..he can sleep anywhere. Finally, he woke up and wanted to know every detail about his crib..where is it? Is it at the store? Is it hiding? Is it coming back?
The first night started off fine..he went to bed and stayed in bed til around 3:30am. He ended up downstairs with us and slept in on this still rainy Sunday.
This was his first time checking out his crib, way back when..
And this was last night:

It was hilarious, my parents, S&D, came over to visit, and Owen was very excited to show them his new bed! To the point that when they made it upstairs, he shouted "TA DA!". Now, that was funny.
He did so much growing up yesterday. Now if I could just keep pace with him!