Saturday, June 16, 2007


Shamelessly ripped from Jeanne and Karyn:

Thirty Nine Things About Yourself

[one] what is your natural hair color?
Medium brown

[two] where is your default picture taken?
Technically, on the porch. But can I figure how to post the dang thing? noooooo...

[three] what's your middle name?
Beth. But, I took my maiden name as middle name when I got married

[four] your current relationship status?
Married, working very hard on happily, but solid.

[five] does your crush like you back?
Do tell of this crush!!

[six] what is your current mood?

[seven] what color underwear are you wearing?
Black with little white polka dots

[eight] what makes you happy?
Phineas, Russell, shopping, relaxing, having time to read

where is number [nine]?

[ten] if you could go back in time and change something, what would you change?
I would have gone to school for a totally different subject

[eleven] if you must be an animal for one day, what would you be?
A whale shark-they are amazing. And not just because I most closely physically resemble them, either!

[twelve] ever had a near death experience?

[thirteen] something you do a lot?
Change diapers

[fourteen] the song stuck in your head?
"Living in America" by James Brown...Russell is watching Rocky IV!

[fifteen] who did you copy and paste this from?
Jeanne, but originally saw it on Karyns

[sixteen] name someone with the same birthday as you?
My uncle Terry, and a guy I used to see, Nathan L.

[seventeen] when was the last time you cried?
Tuesday June 12th

[eighteen] have you ever sung in front of a large audience?

[nineteen] if you could have one super power what would it be?

[twenty] what's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Collarbones and eyes

[twenty-one] what do you usually order from starbucks?
I ordered one thing from Starbucks (hot chocolate) and after my 1st sip threw it out. So, nothing. They won't get any further business from me.

[twenty two] what is your biggest secret?
And I would tell you that WHY?

[twenty-three] favorite colors?
Purple and green

[twenty-four] when was the last time you lied?
Gosh, besides socially acceptable white lies? I can't even remember

[twenty-five] do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?

[twenty-six] what are you eating or drinking at the moment?
Diet pepsi with Lime

[twenty-seven] do you speak any other language?

[twenty-eight] what's your favorite scent?
Clove and freshly cut grass

[twenty-nine] if you could describe your life in one word what would it be?

[thirty] when was the last time you gave/received a hug?
About an hour ago

[thirty-one] have you ever kissed in the rain?

[thirty-two] what are you thinking about right now?
Gotta refill the cat's food bowl to get Felix to be quiet

[thirty-three] what should you be doing?
See above...

[thirty-four] what was the last thing that made you upset/angry?
Crap with step kids and MOTHRA

[thirty-five] how often do you pray?
A few times a week, but haven't been to church(besides weddings and funerals) in a LONG time

[thirty-six] do you like working in the yard?
yes, wish I had more time to do it!!

[thirty-seven] if you could have any last name in the world, what would you want?
Crowe. *wink*

[thirty-eight] do you act differently around your crush?
Please tell me about this crush!!!

[thirty-nine] name one song that reminds you of an ex?
Pour Some Sugar on Me (get your minds OUT OF THE GUTTER, Ladies!!! not at all what you think!!!)


Karyn said...

Whatever do you mean?


Bless my buttons and everything.

Jeanne Tuthill said...

Gutter? What gutter? I figured your ex liked cream AND sugar in his coffee...

Oh, and collarbones? That was an unexpected answer...

So, as your question #9 what did you wish you had studied in school?

Sara said...

Jeanne-knowing what I know now, I deinately would have either studied Dental Hygiene or Nursing. Dang, they rake in the cash!!