Thursday, June 14, 2007

This n that meets MOTHRA

Gosh, I know I have been a bit neglectful of the poor blog, but I didn't realize I haven't written anything since the end of May!! I hope my 3 fans will have pity on me.

There has been so much going on, I just don't even know where to start. I guess I should probably give a Phineas update, since this is what this blog is supposed to be about, huh? Well, we have survived a molar, folks. For the first time in my limited parenting career, I actually called the Doctor's office on a Saturday. He had been crying and screaming uncontrollably all night and was just in pain. That is the stuff that just cuts me to my very soul. I never thought I could hurt so badly and not be in physical pain myself. But, alas, it was a molar. We were instructed and advised to give him Benadryl, so we could ALL get a good nights sleep. I *heart* Benadryl!! Bring on the rest of the molars!! we are now armed and ready.

The next really fun thing is he is attempting to talk more, and sometimes his words are amazingly clear. My friend, K, was coming to watch him for me, and I said to him:"Phin! Auntie K K is here!!" and he said, albeit slurry, "Ke ke keke". It was so cool. He is very clear now on "ba" and "bye". He is even beginning to wave at the right time!! Normally he waved after the person left, now he is doing it when they are actually leaving. It is so amazing to see the little changes.

Something I am not crazy about is a new skill he has acquired that he climbs on the chairs to get onto the dining room table. Yea, not liking that at all. But, he is rather good at it. Must be those Southern genes he inherited. Altho I have been told by both my parents he comes by it honestly from me. Moi? Never. I don't believe them.

Went away last weekend for an Estrogen filled girls weekend in New Hampshire, minus one very important friend, K. I understand why she couldn't come, but still. We painted our toenails and fingernails!!! Good food, way too many carbs, boardgames and gossip. Fun times, fun times.

Today I am leaving to go to Mohegan Sun for 2 days with my mother. This should be interesting. My mother and I haven't had one-on-one time in YEARS. Our relationship has improved vastly since Phineas debuted, but still. This should be quite the little lab experiment. Wish me luck.

There is a boat load more stuff going on with Russell's kids, the ex-wife, blah blah blah. I have talked about it so much, and just don't have an iota of energy left to write it all out. All I can say is the ex-wife(whom from this time forward shall be referred to as MOTHRA) sucks. She is a bitter, nasty person and seems to be passing those qualities onto her kids.

Well, time for Phin's breakfast. Talk to you all later!!

1 comment:

Karyn said...

Hope you had a great time with Mother! I told you Benadryl kicks ass... and that it would be a matter of time before you were loving that stuff.

Sorry I missed the weekend. :( I'm still a little bitter.

In case you wondered.

Love from ke ke keke. (I have TOTALLY been called worse.)