Saturday, June 23, 2007

Is it over yet?

This month has been pure craziness..

Today is the last of the big things going on this is Russell's family reunion, and thank goodness it is being held right down the street from the homestead. It starts this afternoon at 2pm, and should be a fun time. Lobsters, grilling, and seeing everyone (82 at last count!). But hopefully things will be calmer in July. It was nice to get away as often as I did in June, but I am ready to put down my roots again and be a homebody. I missed everyone and felt like I was always gone. I did have a pleasant time with my mother, it was odd at first spending so much time with her, but the uneasiness went away and we just had fun.

I hope to, in the month of July, reconnect with my cousin, J, from Switzerland. My schedule has just been so packed, I haven't had a chance to see her. The good news is we talk everyday, usually multiple times. It is so good to talk to her. We have been able to talk kids, dirty diapers and strategies that worked for us. Good times.

Phineas had his 15 month appointment this week and the doctor said he was perfect *insert BEAMING here*. He is 33" long, and weighs 23 lbs 4 oz. 40th percentile for weight, 93rd for height. He is right on track for words and a little bit ahead of schedule with teeth (ELEVEN!). So, that was reassuring to know he is doing perfectly.

Well-that would about wrap it up for now. It was a good month, after a crap start. Bring on July!!

1 comment:

Karyn said...

Well... at least it's not boring, this life of yours! And you're surrounded by people who want a piece of you - that's pretty fantastic. <3 <3 <3