Thoughts of throwing a bunch of stuff into the ole crockpot and letting it just sit for hours is far more appealing than cooking on the grill. Plus, there is just something so satisfactory in having dinner completed by 9am.
Blankets! I want to have a nice heavy blanket over me when I snuggle into bed at night. I hate just sleeping with only a sheet over me, and moving my feet around every few minutes trying to find a cool spot.
Perfume!! I want to break out all of my "heavier" fragrances. Enough with the body mists, I want good old fashioned foo foo juice. Bring on the Tuscany, Tresor, and White Shoulders. I have never felt right about wearing perfume in the summer that is more than a body spray. Don't ask me. Some people have food rules, I have body scent rules. Of course, I have some food rules too, but that is for another post. Just real quick tho? I saw an ad for some restaurant with STEAK on a salad. Wrong,wrong, wrong. I am totally fine with chicken on a salad, but not steak. That just made my stomach turn.
Enough with me whining about wanting the summer to end. Let's move onto Phin progress. Holy crap can this kid TALK! In less than 24 hours, he has learned several new words (chicken, light), he climbs up the stairs one foot infront of the other (none of this crawling up on his belly stuff), and, he is 17 months old TODAY. How did that happen? Still working on molars. He has had a really tough past few days. But, hopefully we are getting over this spell real soon. I don't think I can take it much longer.

ps-Oh, and Phin? yea. We got him fitted for shoes and I was informed that he was restricted as to which types we could get for him because he has FAT FEET. Fat is just one word that has NEVER been used to describe any part of him!! That just blew me away. But I'm over it. Honest. Fat feet? Pft. Whatever.
Poor boy. W. still can't wear sandals cos he has pudgy feet (plus, you know, everything else).
Body fragrance rules. Yeah, I can't say much about that but I am with you on the steak + salad = wrong.
LOOK AT THOSE TEETH! Quite the chompers, there! Got another picture to hang on my wall with this one.
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