Thursday, August 23, 2007

What a Goddess does in her spare time...

Just because I know you are all DYING to know.
It is 8pm. Bebe has been in bed for 1/2 hour after a phenomenal day. We had a blast. We even bought a training potty. He is fascinated by it, sits on it and says "pee pee!". I am happy with that right now.

Dinner has been made, consumed and cleaned up. 4 monster loads of laundry done and put away. Kitchen floor swept. Photos are being uploaded to Snapfish as we speak. Kitty litter box scrubbed and clean. Coffee is ready to go for tomorrow morning. I even volunteered to work tonight from home helping out the permanent placement division, but haven't heard anything back yet. Oh well. So...that only leaves one dreaded chore. Coloring my hair. This time, the color is truffle. I could have put if off for a while, but I am getting my haircut tomorrow morning, and don't want my stylist to be alarmed at how gray I really am. With my hair in the shorter style, it is much easier to conceal the gray. I guess that is one positive.

My good friend K and I are getting treated to see Lewis Black next Friday~I saw him last year and what a manic riot this guy is. S&D (parental units) are treating us to a girls night out. What a time it will be!! We were even discussing getting a new outfit to wear that shows lots of cleavage to get his attention. Such little ho's we be!!

Next Saturday (how is it possible that it is Labor Day Weekend next week?) Honey and his band have a gig. Parents are keeping Phin for an overnight. I haven't been out late on 2 consistent nights in EONS. I never have been that much of a night owl anyway. :-)

PS-from now on, I think I am going to use Russell and Phineas real names..hereafter christened John and Owen, respectively.

1 comment:

Karyn said...

Great news about Owie's potty!
And we be not hos... jeez... just... vigorous fans.


So. Excited.

Did I mention the so excited part?