Thursday, August 2, 2007


Here it goes!
Each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves.
The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed.
At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog. **

1. I must fall asleep on my left side, with at least a sheet up to my neck.

2. Everything I do must be "even". For instance, when I tickle Phineas under the left armpit, I must shortly thereafter tickle his right armpit.

3.I have to be at least 5 minutes early for work, or I feel late and discombobulated all day.

4.I really enjoy watching Sesame Street, and find myself glued to the tv when it is on.

5. I am the only grandchild without ADD.

6. My favorite job of all time was at a gas station.

7. If I could relive only 1 night of my life, it would be my 10th high school reunion.

8. My most treasured material item is my Louis Vuitton steamer trunk, that was my great grandmothers.

Not too exciting, is it? I would tag eight people, but K already tagged everyone I would feel comfortable tagging. So the buck stops here.


Jeanne Tuthill said...

I hear ya on the "5 minutes early for work" - I'm the same way. I like to be early for appointments, work, etc...and I get a bit peeved with others who are chronically late! I can be understanding to a's the chronic part that gets me with some people.

I'm LOL at the gas station one! What was so appealing about that job?

Anonymous said...

AWWW, Sara! The most exciting blogs for me are those that are heartfelt and true. I love this post, for it is you! The 10th year reunion for me was so fun, I always smile when I replay it in my mind. Go kiss Phin on his right cheek for me; oh yeah, and then his left!

Anonymous said...

Fact # 9. - I am a wonderful person- and so very loved!!!

you forgot to add this one!love, sue