Monday, September 3, 2007

Dang it! She tagged me!!

Tag : "3 things about me".

Three things that scare me
1. Big, furry, fast racing-stripe, flying spiders (ie:the Wolf spider)
2. Being alone suddenly (losing spouse in accident)
3. Clowns

Three people who make me laugh
1. Lewis Black
2. Karyn
3. Ron White

Three things I love
1. Owen
2. Winter
3. Spice smelling candles

Three things I hate
1. Beets
2. Maliciousness
3. Emptying the litter box

Three things I don't understand
1. Math
2. Mortgages, IRA's, etc..
3. How neighbors let their dog poop in a shared area with children around and NOT CLEAN IT UP!!!

Three things on my desk
1. Camera
2. Diet Pepsi with Lime
3. Cordless phone

Three things I am doing right now
1. Smelling my cinnamon-apple candle
2. cracking my fingers and neck
3. looking at all the dishes I need to do

Three things I want to do before I die
1. Travel
2. Say the things I want to say to certain nasty people and just WALK AWAY
3. Be skinny again

Three things I can do
1. Make a really mean pizza
2. Snowmobile like a crazy lady (and even the boys have a hard time keeping up!)
3. Shop

Three things I can’t do
1. Play an instrument
2. Fractions and percentages
3. have just 1 piece of bread

Three things I think you should listen to
1. Your gut
2. Music
3. Rain

Three things you should never listen to
1. Others with questionable motives
2. Religious Zealots
3. liars

Three shows I watched as a kid
1. The Price is Right
2. Creature Double Feature
3. Brady Bunch

Three people I tag
1. You're
2. All
3. Tagged

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