Well, Owen is officially 18 months old. And along with being 18 months, I fear we have started the dreaded "terrible twos" a tad early. As I believe I may have mentioned previously, one of his most favorite words is NO. He uses it liberally and frequently. Honey, do you want a drink? NO. Sweetie, it is night-night time. NO. Lovey, get off the dining room table. NO. OH! and temper tantrums? He is so good at them. Generally,tho, I am even better at ignoring them.
The only other word that could possibly come close to how many times he says NO is trac-tor. He loves tractors. (Tractor meaning a ride on mower..)My dad has logged so many miles on his ride on that I think I should start contributing to the gas for it. Honestly. He goes on multiple rides all over the neighborhood throughout the day. It is so funny to watch him ride it, too. He goes into this zen-like zone where he completely focuses on the noise and the vibration.
In other breaking Owen news, his sleeping has SUCKED for the last week and a half. He goes to bed at the usual time with no problem. Then, at any time between 1-3am, he begins Screechfest. He won't settle himself down. The only thing that appeases him is being in bed with us. BAD HABIT. As soon as we get him in bed, then he begins to demand a ba-ba. Then the screeching resumes. It is getting to be a really old, tired habit, let me tell you. Any suggestions? Actually, let me tell you what we have tried to do before you answer-Benadryl before bed? yep. Let him cry it out? yep (he went on for 1.5 hours people! tried moving him back into his own bed after he has fallen asleep in ours? yep. So, now I am open to suggestions!
Last weekend John and I took Owen up to NH for a little "us" time. You can only imagine what we spent our weekend doing...can't guess? allow me to give you a hint.

It was a fun weekend, and nice to be able to reconnect and just focus on Owen, and not all the other assorted crap in our lives at the moment.
Here are some other pics from last weekend:

Owen's 1st encounter with a Ribbon Snake, courtesy of Dad (No moms were harmed during this photo shoot)

Ready to Roll!!!
Oh! and one other thing I wanted to share with y'all..a few weeks ago, we went out on my parents boat to cruise around and enjoy the beautiful weather. Firstmate Owen FELL ASLEEP WHILE STANDING UP AND DRIVING. See?

Seriously, have you seen anything more adorable than this??
1 comment:
Love that pic of you and the O-man especially.
Glad you're back.
No helpful hints as to the dastardly sleep situation. Perhaps Owie would like to try a little merlot?
I CAN say that with both of them I did learn this: When we let them cry it out for any period of time and then go get them... we basically teach them to scream louder and longer, because THAT is when Mummy comes to the rescue.
I'd pick a Hell Week, plan to ignore the holy hell out of his shrieking, and buy earplugs. Maybe Mummy has the merlot instead.
(It just wasnt an option here as I had several other people to consider who werent particularly concerned with whether or not I had a 3 year old pummeling me in the kidneys all night. )
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