Sunday, March 9, 2008

Just checking in

What a beautiful day!! After the torrential downpours and epic floods we experienced yesterday (I had so much water in my front yard, for the first time in my life I had waterfront property!) The crocus' in my yard are blooming, I have the uncontrollable urge to open all the windows and let the house air out (but, I live with a southerner, and that would freeze his little veins off..) I am a Winter weather junkie (insert eye-roll HERE) and still feel as tho we didn't get as much snow as I would like, but it was better than last year anyway. I do love winter, but I love spring, too. Not as much as winter, mind you. But still. :-)

I just mopped my kitchen floor and the house is filled with the smell of original Pine-Sol (can't beat that smell!) and thinking of what else I can do before Owen's big birthday party next Saturday that will save me some time next weekend. However, I only come up with one thing: Toilets. Gotta clean the toilets. But, will have to wait til stepson leaves, as he has such a problem with aim. Ewwwwww....

Hope you had a great day!

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