Sunday, March 2, 2008

To Catch a Skunk..

So, here's the scene. 10:45pm on a Tuesday night. Lying in bed, waiting for sweet, sweet slumber to take over. Almost there....
Then. Our baby cat, Midnight (aka Itty Bitty 2) jumps up on the bed, as usual. That is when it hit. Such a strong, overpowering and unmistakable odor. He had been hit by a skunk.
Thankfully John sprung into action and sequested us in the bathroom and began to run the tub. Do you think we had tomato juice on hand? Nah, never touch the stuff. All we had was a can of stewed tomato's. That wasn't going to fly. So, we crossed our fingers and toes and hoped Owen's baby wash would work. It did!!! (there is a whole new market out there~!)

The cat was great once the water stopped running, and relatively calm. We washed, washed again, then rinsed a few times. And wouldn't you know it? Baby fresh smelling cat. As a quick footnote, in the 14 years I have had cats, never has one of them been tagged by a skunk. Until Tuesday night, that is.So much for the perfect track record!
God Bless You, Johnson&Johnson..if this baby wash line doesn't work out for you, I know a whole new marketing angle you can take....

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