Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Am I the only one who thinks this way?

Now, don't get me wrong. I know Phin loves me, and when all hell breaks loose, I am the GO TO person. I take pride in that, and I love it.

However...does anyone else think that their baby likes everyone else, instead of you? This is a very difficult thing to explain. It just seems like there are days when I go from being center of the universe, to NOTHING. NADA. Momma who? He loves Daddy all the time, loves grandparents, loves aunts and uncles, and close friends. Always smiles, laughs, and does great. Then I have to take him home. He lets me know with his silence he is anything but pleased. For example-today I picked him up from a very good and social day with his grandparents. He was silly, giggling and eating. I load him into the car seat, immediately the tears start flowing. I can understand that. I am taking him out of a fun situation. However, when we get home, he almost IGNORES me. I try playing with him-NO. I try to play "catch the baby"-NO. I try giving him a bottle-NO. I try snuggling and kissing-NO. But, as soon as I get the hint and start doing something else that doesn't focus on him (like making dinner!) He is ALL OVER ME. Sigh.
Am I the only one who thinks their kids like everyone but them?? Please tell me no!!


Karyn said...

Yep - all part and parcel with the whole ovary-bearer business. They KNOW you're there for them 24/7... they KNOW you love them... they KNOW your entire universe revolves around their ungrateful snarky little behinds... so even at this tender age, they take you a little for granted. Then you show some attention to the stove and WHOA PONIES, SHOW PHINNY SOME LOVIN!

Totally normal.

Sucko, but normal.

Hugs -

Jeanne Tuthill said...

As usual, Karyn said it way better than I could have! So totally true.

Be happy that he is not the clingy, stranger-anxiety-prone type who won't go to ANYBODY else and screams if you leave the room! I think it's great that he has such a fun time with Dad and S. :-) My kids think grandma and grandad are waaay more fun and exciting than being with boring old mom. That's because G&G give 110% attention when they are around but I have to do boring stuff like cook and clean while they are underfoot! ;-)

So, yeah. Totally normal