Thursday, July 24, 2008

A taste of my own medicine

Owen has a lovely daycare provider, M. He always has fun, they do crafts, and he rarely ever wants to leave when I show up at the end of the day to bring him home. Equally, he never wants me to leave when I need to drop him off. For several weeks, he has been doing the octopus..grasping onto any part of me as hard as he can, as M. works to pry him away. Then he squinces up his face, the tears start, and the crying is shortly thereafter. I have to make a hasty getaway while M. attempts to distract him.

Then we come to this morning. Thinking it would be the same song and dance, I tried talking up all the fun he was going to have, seeing the other kids, etc. All he kept saying to me was "I want YOU Mommy!" So, tried (haha!!) explaining we have all day tomorrow together kept us busy on the few minute car ride. We get to M's house, and he peacefully lets me take him in, and he scoots down from my hold and begins engaging with the other kids. I speak to M for a few minutes, and announce I have to leave to go to work, and Owen turns around and WAVES at me. No hugs, no kisses, no clinging, no nothing. Just a wave.

While I can intellectually see he may be saying "Take THAT Mommy, for leaving me here" it came as a complete shock and surprise to me. I know that it should feel good that he is comfortable, confident and safe there, but no KlingOn impression? Really has shaken me. I know I will get over it, as I usually do, but...still. I guess I feel a little guilty for not getting the hugs, and not being the center of his universe at this moment. I'll be fine. Just no more of my own medicine.

1 comment:

Karyn said...

Yep. I've said it before, I'll say it again; Independence is a curse. BUT. The cavalier separation is a GOOD thing , no matter how much it shredded your heart. I promise you, there are still days in store for you where you need a winch to pry him off your thigh. Take what you can get.