Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Am I the only one who thinks this way?
However...does anyone else think that their baby likes everyone else, instead of you? This is a very difficult thing to explain. It just seems like there are days when I go from being center of the universe, to NOTHING. NADA. Momma who? He loves Daddy all the time, loves grandparents, loves aunts and uncles, and close friends. Always smiles, laughs, and does great. Then I have to take him home. He lets me know with his silence he is anything but pleased. For example-today I picked him up from a very good and social day with his grandparents. He was silly, giggling and eating. I load him into the car seat, immediately the tears start flowing. I can understand that. I am taking him out of a fun situation. However, when we get home, he almost IGNORES me. I try playing with him-NO. I try to play "catch the baby"-NO. I try giving him a bottle-NO. I try snuggling and kissing-NO. But, as soon as I get the hint and start doing something else that doesn't focus on him (like making dinner!) He is ALL OVER ME. Sigh.
Am I the only one who thinks their kids like everyone but them?? Please tell me no!!
Monday, May 28, 2007

This weekend was HOT. So, while focusing on keeping Phin cool, I of course went ballistic with the camera..someone really needs to stop me. He isn't going to recognize me without the camera infront of my face!! At this rate, the poor thing will be on the therapists couch by the time he is 5.
Gotta love nakkie baby bums, though!!
Tarot fun
You are The Wheel of Fortune
Good fortune and happiness but sometimes a species of
intoxication with success
The Wheel of Fortune is all about big things, luck, change, fortune. Almost always good fortune. You are lucky in all things that you do and happy with the things that come to you. Be careful that success does not go to your head however. Sometimes luck can change.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Old School Fun!
In the near future, A and her husband are going to be moving back to the Cape. It will be nice to have them close again!
Love ya, kitten!
Friday, May 25, 2007
Well butter my biscuit.
Yesterday, as I was feeding Phin his lunch, I was again overcome with the urge to contact my cousin I told you about in this little doozy of a post...
So, I picked up the phone and called. SHE ANSWERED. After getting over the initial shock of hearing her voice I found out what had happened. I don't want to get too into it, and violate her privacy, but HUGE medical issues resulting from her pregnancy which was very difficult. It caused her to essentially lose a year of her memory, and not to mention, she is now legally blind as a result of complications. She is also suffering from severe post partum depression, and post traumatic stress disorder. She is getting the help she so desperately needs thru medication,supervision, and therapy.
Surprisingly, I have let go of all the anxiety, stress, anger and hostility. I believe her. And I am just so thrilled to have her back. I realize that it may not be the same, and it may take a while because she has so many other things going on. But that is ok. She's back.
And I am happy and content with that.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
I admit it. I am an Addict.
Yesterday I arrived home from work, Phin in tow, and saw the brown box sitting on the porch. I could not at that exact moment reach to get it, as I was weighed down with 2 armfuls of stuff. After safely depositing child and other miscellaneous crap in house, I rushed out to collect the goods. FOUR overstuffed envelopes of glorious, glossy finish photos.
I had to wait til Phin retired for the evening to organize all the pics chronologically and prepare to place them lovingly in their albums. Well, let me tell you. This set of pics (all 289 of them) essentially only cover THREE days. Of course, these days are very important-his birthday, his birthday party and his first haircut. I FILLED TWO ENTIRE ALBUMS. Phin is 14 months old, and has 12 albums to commemorate his first year.
Yep, I got myself an addiction.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
All's well on the Mommy front

Monday, May 14, 2007
Happy happy, joy joy!!

We got home, and this kid was ON FIRE. He was laughing, smiling, giggling and doing a lot of talking. He was a pure pleasure to be with. I just love days like this, and makes me wish bedtime wasn't 8pm...but anything beyond that is just pushing it..It took me a while to find the perfect balance of spending time with him, and over doing it. Glad I found it.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
A Gentle Man Lost
We could not see him for a long stretch of time, but when we got together, it was like no time had elapsed. He was a quiet presence that had a terrific laugh, and an equally terrific bellow. He was a patient at the dentist office I used to work at. He was in my husband's Boy Scout Troop.
Our lives, altho somewhat distant physically, seem inexplicably intertwined. My husband and I have been married for 2 1/2 years, and that time has been filled with immense loss-my mother in law, father in law, husbands grandfather, and 3 of our beloved cats. But this is different. This is someone our age, we grew up with him. In fact, my older brother got into a world of trouble in his early teens for teasing Chris and his cousin relentlessly. Mortality has unfortunately hit our family in huge rogue waves, but this. This is just different.
I apoligize if this is just rambling and strung together-but it is difficult to type when my face is burning with the tears. Don't know when his services will be, but hopefully he will get what he always wanted-a firefighters funeral.
He was a rare, special person that forever will leave a pit in my heart. Out of all of our friends, he is definately on a fast track to heaven.
Rest in peace, CWH.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
An openly hostile letter
Background: Cousin who grew up with me and was someone I considered my best friend, lived in Europe for several years, had a baby 3 months before me. Came for a visit in June 2006-had plans to meet up-NEVER HEARD FROM HER AGAIN despite numerous attempts. (She has a history of just ignoring people if she is upset/hurt/angry, and in this case, LIED to.)
So, please entertain me. I'll get back to Phineas after this. It is now coming up on a year since our last contact. There was no argument, no screaming. There was nothing. Just silence.
Dear J;
I SO hope you get your ass, somehow, someway to this letter. I am so upset that I get these waves of need to speak to you. Just when I think I have put the matter to bed, wiped my hands of it, BAM!! it comes and smacks me upside the face. It is very unsettling to be "dropped" by your own family. Honestly, I could care less what the others think, they are hypocrites who engineered this whole thing. It is sad that I still hold onto a glimmer of hope that when I open my email, there will be a note explaining everything. Perhaps you have been taken prisoner and brainwashed. (Folks, that is a serious suggestion. This family is frickin' nuts). I know you were very weak emotionally and physically when you returned home. Your illness while pregnant, and then dealing with an infant was very difficult. I am sorry that people you call your family took advantage of that and cut you away from me. Especially during this time when we could have been enjoying each other, and trying to figure out what these little humans want. We could have traded different techniques, advice and stories and taken our friendship to a whole new level. BABIES ARE SUPPOSED TO BRING PEOPLE TOGETHER, NOT RIP THEM APART. In this whole twisted scenario, I feel pity and sadness that you are depriving the kids of each other, and that you obviously can't think for yourself and pick up the FUCKING PHONE, write a letter, drop an email-Nothing. Your silence stings, your absence in my life has created a black hole of sadness, hostility, and confusion.
I really need to find a way to stop thinking of this. And I really need to get over it, and move on.
Let me introduce myself....

I never thought I would have kids, to be honest with you. I just couldn't visualize me being THAT responsible..funny, as now I can't see my life without him!! I have several friends that keep asking when I am going to have baby #2..Pretty easy answer..NEVER!! I feel good with one, and that is that. I feel no pressing desire for another. In fact, I took the bold step of ridding my house of all of the baby gear he has already grown out of. I am so ruthless!!
So that is about it. We'll see what happens next!!