It has been a very busy past few days-May is a very busy month in my family as we are bombared with birthdays..my Dad, stepmom Sue, and myself. Not to mention, Mother's Day is thrown into the middle of the chaos.
But, this year, my birthday was WAY low key. And that is the way I like it! We all got together on Friday night, ordered Chinese and had cake and ice cream. They don't get much better than that. I hate being the center of attention-I remember when it was time for my wedding shower. There were a grand total of 4 of us that went to dinner and a movie. It was just perfect. The baby shower was a bit bigger, but still controllable. My friend, K, threw it for me with a rubber ducky theme. It was so much fun. No games were played, just a silly hat to wear and good friends.
Mother's Day was amazing...Russell surprised me with a trip to the local garden store and informed me we were ripping out the huge, nasty, overgrown bushes on the left side of the house. They were ok until we got walloped a few years ago with a nasty snow storm that killed 1/2 of one of the trees..See? The pictures are at the top of the post because I haven't finished my coffee and can't figure out how to put them in the right place. I think it looks good, no? We still need to seed new grass, and lay some mulch down, but that should be a cakewalk compared to the trauma (physical!) it was getting those trees and roots out...
I love May!!
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