Hi there to all in the Blogosphere-
I am Sara, 35 years old, and married. We have a son, who for the sake of privacy we will call Phineas(I have always loved that name,and my hubby immediately rejected that name when we were trying to come up with an appropriate name) who is 14 months old and the light of our lives. My husband will be called Russell(as in Crowe...think Gladiator, folks!), and is a service manager at a car dealership. Russell has 2 children from his first marriage, a girl who is 14, and a son who is 11. They are the subject of a whole other blog, but this one will focus on Phineas.
I never thought I would have kids, to be honest with you. I just couldn't visualize me being THAT responsible..funny, as now I can't see my life without him!! I have several friends that keep asking when I am going to have baby #2..Pretty easy answer..NEVER!! I feel good with one, and that is that. I feel no pressing desire for another. In fact, I took the bold step of ridding my house of all of the baby gear he has already grown out of. I am so ruthless!!
So that is about it. We'll see what happens next!!
Hurrah! Welcome! You're going on the blogroll forthwith!
Love you, girl!
Can I add you to my blogroll, too!
Welcome to the blogsphere!!!!!!
Love the pic of Phineas - what a cutie!
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