Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Eyes Wide Open
Owen continued his never-ending assault on my sleep tonight. He was up at 2am. He has come down with a cold, and earlier on Monday developed a slight fever. Fine. I can handle that. He had some water, a little bottle and back to sleep. Me? Not so lucky. I was awake long enough for all the thoughts running thru my mind to keep me awake.
Among these earth shattering thoughts? Let me give you a sample:
1. John needs to mail out a package we have had since OCTOBER to our friend in Wyoming (It is an Xmas present for his son).
2. I need to call my primary for a referral to take care of my right elbow/arm pain.
3. I need to mail my new patient questionnaire to facility I am being referrred to for above.
4. I need to do Food shopping.
5. How am I going to physically make it thru work tomorrow night until 9:30pm?
6. How do I verbalize, in a politically correct way, to the lawyer and his client that she needs a monstrous bitch slap?
7. I need to get more tampons&pads tomorrow because this period is out of control.
8. And Motrin due to above.
9. I have to get to my second job at some point this week to get some hours in.
10. We need to pay the mortgage.
11. Damn this house is cold at this time of night.
SO, that would be a glimpse into my gray matter. Nothing earth shattering, but enough to get my brain whizzing around. *sigh*.
Insomnia has never been a problem for me. I used to get it maybe once or twice a year, and that was it. But this? Ugh. I have had it now 3 nights in the past week. It is not like I can take a sleeping pill because of Owen. Amazingly, John NEVER hears him crying. Isn't that just the darndest thing? The baby monitor is literally on our headboard between the 2 of us and he NEVER hears it!! I guess I can add that to this list of Things Keeping me Awake. It is so frustrating. Why am I the only one to get up with him? Just once I would like him to beat me to the punch. Even if I end up awake, at least I know he would get the baby and address whatever he needs. But no. He snores soundly thru it.
Well, it is now 4am. Will have a glass of water and try to lay back down. Try to salvage some part of sleep this evening.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
One word for you....
yay!! finally!! we are due to get about 6-8" of snow today, with the possibility of more on Sunday. For you winter haters out there? PFT!!! I am doing the snow dance, and keep looking out my window every 10 seconds to see if it has started yet...
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Short, not so sweet.
We had a lot of fun in New Hampshire! Spent some great time with my parents, and Owen loved having them at his disposal, as well as having a "trac-tor" right outside the door. He learned a new word-"mount-nan". It is just the most adorable pronunciation...He got to see snow, took long walks around the woods, and rode the ATV til his little heart was content. And, I might add, he slept in a double bed with me and was pretty reasonable. The first night wasn't especially restful since he was up and down and then fell off the bed (onto pillows and a big blanket) then resumed sleeping-on the floor. I didn't get much real estate in the bed since he prefers to sleep horizontally. It is challenging enough sleeping with him in a King bed, let alone a double! The second night was MUCH better. I only had to push his legs away a few times and he slept til about 7:30. Such a treat!
Did minimal Christmas shopping-cash flow was a bit of a problem so that dulled my Shopping spirit a tad. But, I am happy to report that I will be able to do some shopping this weekend to make up for it! Also, I am going to decorate the house. We will get our tree next weekend. In the meantime, I have to figure out what the heck to do with Owen's overflowing toybox, since that is where we put the tree...oh the dilemma's.
In other news, John's ex-wench has decided after more than a year of putting us thru pure hell and turning our lives into a circus in which she is the Ringmaster, that she cannot make it financially up here on the Island, and wants to take the kids and move to Florida. Does the crap EVER end? It is so stressful. Would love to see them go, would hate to see them go..y'know?
Time for a Tylenol.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
'Tis the season my ass
The crap part has to do with my husbands son (what else is new!!??). Essentially, I threw an 11 year old out of my house. Yea, feeling pretty proud about that. I don't necessarily regret it, as it seems to have shaken his father into some type of action to help this kid. But, we'll see. We'll see.
Thanksgiving is in a few days. Escaping with the Boy, the Parents, and cousin J and her son up to New Hampshire the day after. Will be a lot of fun. Always nice to get away.
That blog sadly just sucked any energy I had left. As Owen would say..."night night".

Sunday, October 21, 2007
Hangin' with my Babe..

My past experience with this particular playground is not so good. The very few times I have been there, the other mothers have been MISERABLE. I feel like I am back in high school, trying to gain the confidences of all the cheerleader snobby girls (not that they are all attractive-some are just downright worthy of being a nine bagger!). Anywho, but this morning was totally different I am happy to report. Somewhat pathetic, but I was happy no one else was there this morning. Then, a boy and his father joined in and he was very friendly, and his 3 year old son played so well with Owen. So well that when it was time for him to leave, he gave Owen a hug and a kiss!! It was so sweet!! So, thanks to Luke and Demetrios for salvaging my opinion of this playground!
After that, we came home and commenced our surveylance of the neighborhood. Owen took his trusty mower and we walked, and walked and walked. Then? When that was all done? We walked MORE. Now, I am snickering to myself thinking that with the cold, and 3 straight hours of playing, running, and walking, I would get a good nap in return. No dice. 1/2 hour. That sucked. I was hoping to be able to get more things for the yard sale.
My cousin, Jenny was visiting with her brood from Texas. That was one visit that was just not long enough!! It was so much fun spending time with her, and getting to know her kids. Gosh, they are just so cute and she is a fabulous mother.

This is Big D....

And Lil' D..he is 10 days younger than Owen

Jenny and me
In other news, I have resumed work full time. I am ok with this, but the extra hours really do seem to crawl. The only day Owen is in daycare is on Thursdays. Postively love my provider..she is amazing and Owen is completely relaxed at her house..well, except for naptime, that is the only thing they disagree about! Other than that, I am confident and know he is in good hands. See? his first day!!

A very happy anniversary to S&D-celebrating 23 years of bliss (their term, not mine!)this month!! Love you both!!
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Sunday, September 30, 2007
I'm no Betty Crocker, but...
So, he follows the instructions to a "T"..except the one about the size and placement of the cookies on the cookie sheet. He made gorilla sized cookies. That all blended into something that resembles an oatmeal chocolate chip pancake. They smell delicious, and they are nicely browned around the edges. But, they are distinctly squishy and flat in the middle.
Well, not everyone is perfect,right?
Thanks for the cookie attempt, sweetie. I love ya!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Planes, Trains and....Tractors?
Well, Owen is officially 18 months old. And along with being 18 months, I fear we have started the dreaded "terrible twos" a tad early. As I believe I may have mentioned previously, one of his most favorite words is NO. He uses it liberally and frequently. Honey, do you want a drink? NO. Sweetie, it is night-night time. NO. Lovey, get off the dining room table. NO. OH! and temper tantrums? He is so good at them. Generally,tho, I am even better at ignoring them.
The only other word that could possibly come close to how many times he says NO is trac-tor. He loves tractors. (Tractor meaning a ride on mower..)My dad has logged so many miles on his ride on that I think I should start contributing to the gas for it. Honestly. He goes on multiple rides all over the neighborhood throughout the day. It is so funny to watch him ride it, too. He goes into this zen-like zone where he completely focuses on the noise and the vibration.
In other breaking Owen news, his sleeping has SUCKED for the last week and a half. He goes to bed at the usual time with no problem. Then, at any time between 1-3am, he begins Screechfest. He won't settle himself down. The only thing that appeases him is being in bed with us. BAD HABIT. As soon as we get him in bed, then he begins to demand a ba-ba. Then the screeching resumes. It is getting to be a really old, tired habit, let me tell you. Any suggestions? Actually, let me tell you what we have tried to do before you answer-Benadryl before bed? yep. Let him cry it out? yep (he went on for 1.5 hours people! tried moving him back into his own bed after he has fallen asleep in ours? yep. So, now I am open to suggestions!
Last weekend John and I took Owen up to NH for a little "us" time. You can only imagine what we spent our weekend doing...can't guess? allow me to give you a hint.

It was a fun weekend, and nice to be able to reconnect and just focus on Owen, and not all the other assorted crap in our lives at the moment.
Here are some other pics from last weekend:

Owen's 1st encounter with a Ribbon Snake, courtesy of Dad (No moms were harmed during this photo shoot)

Ready to Roll!!!
Oh! and one other thing I wanted to share with y'all..a few weeks ago, we went out on my parents boat to cruise around and enjoy the beautiful weather. Firstmate Owen FELL ASLEEP WHILE STANDING UP AND DRIVING. See?

Seriously, have you seen anything more adorable than this??
Monday, September 3, 2007
Dang it! She tagged me!!
Three things that scare me
1. Big, furry, fast racing-stripe, flying spiders (ie:the Wolf spider)
2. Being alone suddenly (losing spouse in accident)
3. Clowns
Three people who make me laugh
1. Lewis Black
2. Karyn
3. Ron White
Three things I love
1. Owen
2. Winter
3. Spice smelling candles
Three things I hate
1. Beets
2. Maliciousness
3. Emptying the litter box
Three things I don't understand
1. Math
2. Mortgages, IRA's, etc..
3. How neighbors let their dog poop in a shared area with children around and NOT CLEAN IT UP!!!
Three things on my desk
1. Camera
2. Diet Pepsi with Lime
3. Cordless phone
Three things I am doing right now
1. Smelling my cinnamon-apple candle
2. cracking my fingers and neck
3. looking at all the dishes I need to do
Three things I want to do before I die
1. Travel
2. Say the things I want to say to certain nasty people and just WALK AWAY
3. Be skinny again
Three things I can do
1. Make a really mean pizza
2. Snowmobile like a crazy lady (and even the boys have a hard time keeping up!)
3. Shop
Three things I can’t do
1. Play an instrument
2. Fractions and percentages
3. have just 1 piece of bread
Three things I think you should listen to
1. Your gut
2. Music
3. Rain
Three things you should never listen to
1. Others with questionable motives
2. Religious Zealots
3. liars
Three shows I watched as a kid
1. The Price is Right
2. Creature Double Feature
3. Brady Bunch
Three people I tag
1. You're
2. All
3. Tagged
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Gotta take the small things when they come, right?
Thursday, August 23, 2007
What a Goddess does in her spare time...
It is 8pm. Bebe has been in bed for 1/2 hour after a phenomenal day. We had a blast. We even bought a training potty. He is fascinated by it, sits on it and says "pee pee!". I am happy with that right now.
Dinner has been made, consumed and cleaned up. 4 monster loads of laundry done and put away. Kitchen floor swept. Photos are being uploaded to Snapfish as we speak. Kitty litter box scrubbed and clean. Coffee is ready to go for tomorrow morning. I even volunteered to work tonight from home helping out the permanent placement division, but haven't heard anything back yet. Oh well. So...that only leaves one dreaded chore. Coloring my hair. This time, the color is truffle. I could have put if off for a while, but I am getting my haircut tomorrow morning, and don't want my stylist to be alarmed at how gray I really am. With my hair in the shorter style, it is much easier to conceal the gray. I guess that is one positive.
My good friend K and I are getting treated to see Lewis Black next Friday~I saw him last year and what a manic riot this guy is. S&D (parental units) are treating us to a girls night out. What a time it will be!! We were even discussing getting a new outfit to wear that shows lots of cleavage to get his attention. Such little ho's we be!!
Next Saturday (how is it possible that it is Labor Day Weekend next week?) Honey and his band have a gig. Parents are keeping Phin for an overnight. I haven't been out late on 2 consistent nights in EONS. I never have been that much of a night owl anyway. :-)
PS-from now on, I think I am going to use Russell and Phineas real names..hereafter christened John and Owen, respectively.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Summer is still here??
Thoughts of throwing a bunch of stuff into the ole crockpot and letting it just sit for hours is far more appealing than cooking on the grill. Plus, there is just something so satisfactory in having dinner completed by 9am.
Blankets! I want to have a nice heavy blanket over me when I snuggle into bed at night. I hate just sleeping with only a sheet over me, and moving my feet around every few minutes trying to find a cool spot.
Perfume!! I want to break out all of my "heavier" fragrances. Enough with the body mists, I want good old fashioned foo foo juice. Bring on the Tuscany, Tresor, and White Shoulders. I have never felt right about wearing perfume in the summer that is more than a body spray. Don't ask me. Some people have food rules, I have body scent rules. Of course, I have some food rules too, but that is for another post. Just real quick tho? I saw an ad for some restaurant with STEAK on a salad. Wrong,wrong, wrong. I am totally fine with chicken on a salad, but not steak. That just made my stomach turn.
Enough with me whining about wanting the summer to end. Let's move onto Phin progress. Holy crap can this kid TALK! In less than 24 hours, he has learned several new words (chicken, light), he climbs up the stairs one foot infront of the other (none of this crawling up on his belly stuff), and, he is 17 months old TODAY. How did that happen? Still working on molars. He has had a really tough past few days. But, hopefully we are getting over this spell real soon. I don't think I can take it much longer.

ps-Oh, and Phin? yea. We got him fitted for shoes and I was informed that he was restricted as to which types we could get for him because he has FAT FEET. Fat is just one word that has NEVER been used to describe any part of him!! That just blew me away. But I'm over it. Honest. Fat feet? Pft. Whatever.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves.
The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed.
At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog. **
1. I must fall asleep on my left side, with at least a sheet up to my neck.
2. Everything I do must be "even". For instance, when I tickle Phineas under the left armpit, I must shortly thereafter tickle his right armpit.
3.I have to be at least 5 minutes early for work, or I feel late and discombobulated all day.
4.I really enjoy watching Sesame Street, and find myself glued to the tv when it is on.
5. I am the only grandchild without ADD.
6. My favorite job of all time was at a gas station.
7. If I could relive only 1 night of my life, it would be my 10th high school reunion.
8. My most treasured material item is my Louis Vuitton steamer trunk, that was my great grandmothers.
Not too exciting, is it? I would tag eight people, but K already tagged everyone I would feel comfortable tagging. So the buck stops here.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
A smattering of stuff...
So, with my head now off the chopping block after taking care of that, what else is going on? Phin is talking like crazy now..we have perfected "Elmo" and "NO" (along with the vigorous head shaking from side to side..where does he learn this stuff??!) He has also been teething alot this past week, so Ibuprofen and Benadryl have become very good friends to all of us. :-)
Last night had the wonderful opportunity to go over to M.s house to hang with friends from yesteryear, Jeanne and her husband, Rick. They are just terrific people. I always thought when I come back in the next life I wanted to be one of my pets, but I think I am going to change my mind. They are such solid, happy people. See?

K. was there also, and was a very good sport putting up with quite a bit of teasing. I have a beautiful picture of her, but she doesn't like it. Hmph. I guess my loyal readers (all 4 of you, who know K. IRL) will just have to suffer, and not see it.

Phin and I had a fun playdate with cousin and her son. It was hot and humid as Hades~but still fun.

I know this isn't a great photo, but kinda funny, yes? Poor Jonathan was in meltdown mode, and Phin wasn't quite sure what to make of the situation. He just continued to play with his truck, while Jonathan completed his temper tantrum. (This was at the very end of the day, and both boys only had about a 15 minute nap..I would be rather grumpy too, I guess!)
Russell and I went out shopping today for a laundry list of things for the house. And when he says he wants to go shopping, I make sure we are out of the house in record time. Even if it is just stuff for the house, it is still shopping!! Here is one of our purchases..a lame attempt to keep our trash-hound baby of out the Dumpster diving habit. Didn't work. He was so busted.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Not much else happening..so here is a MEME for y'all
2. Would you bungee jump? - Are you kidding me? Heck no
3. If you could do anything in the world for a living, what would it be? -Tropical Resort reviewer for a magazine
4. How many tattoos do you have? - Four
5. Your favorite fictional animal? - Scrat...
6. One person that never fails to make you laugh? - Too many to name-Karyn,Sue,John (most times, anyway)
7. Do you consider yourself well organized? – I used to think I was, but realizing I am really not in the least.
8. Any Addictions? - Nasty Tobaccy
9. From what news source do you receive the bulk of your news? - Internet
10. Would you rather go to a carnival or circus? - Carnival. Only because there are crazy ass-gravity defying rides.
11. When you were twelve years old, what did you want to be when you grew up? - Awful, but I can't remember! maybe an anthropologist?
12. Best Movie You've Seen This Year? - Ice Age II, the Meltdown
13. Favorite alcoholic drink – Digging the Cosmos.
14. What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? - Retrieve the bebe
15. Siblings? –Brother
16. What is the best thing about your job? – Flexibility and Money
17. Have you ever gone to therapy? – Yes indeedy!
18. If you could have one super power what would it be? - The whole mind-reading / bending thing. (good answer, K!)
19. Do you own any furniture from Ikea? – No.
20. Have you ever gone camping? – Yes
21. Gas prices! First thought? - Why did I get rid of my compact again?
22. Your favorite cartoon character? - Wild E. Coyote. Poor sucker couldn't catch a break.
23. What was your first car? – Gold Honda Accord Hatchback. that thing was INDESTRUCTIBLE!
24. Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual? - No
25. The Cosby Show or the Simpsons? - Simpsons
26. Do you go to church? - For Weddings and Funerals.
27. What famous person would you like to have dinner with? – Living or dead? - Living: Russell Crowe. Dead:Princess Diana. ( I am SO SHALLOW!)
28. What errand/chore do you despise? – Putting laundry away and emptying the litter box
29. First thought when the alarm went off this morning? – I wish I had the opportunity to hear the alarm-baby was up before then.
30. Last time you puked from drinking? – Eons.
31. What is your heritage? - Italian/Irish and a smattering of others.
32. Favorite flower? – Stargazer Lillies and Peonies.
33. Disney or Warner Bros? - Going to go with Disney
34. What is your best childhood memory? – Sleepovers at Jenna's
35. Your favorite potato chip? – Ruffles. Gotta have the ridges.
36. What is your favorite candy? - 3 Musketeers.
37. Do you burn or tan? - Tan nicely, thank you!
38. Astrological sign? - Taurus
39. Do you own a gun? – No..but I know people who do and know I can be an excellent shot if need be. Ahem.
40. What do you think of hot dogs? Love em. With Gray Poupon mustard.Grilled Bun. Oh dear.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Ever have one of those days?
Well, at least both the kids closets got cleaned out, all the laundry is current and up to date. Dishwasher emptied. Dusted. Vaccuummed. Mopped.
I am going to dinner at my parents house. I guess I will save my free coupon for a Phin sleepover at Nana's til I night I will actually need it.
The Sound of (Almost) Silence
Our friend M, hosted a birthday party for K. and made a delicious dinner. That was a good time. It was so much fun, and my body actually hurt from all the laughing that went on. It was nice to feel like a kid again!!

Finally, I got to connect with my cousin from Switzerland!! Once we spoke in complete honesty and I told her not to back out or make excuses (her mother and aunts were giving her a very hard time about seeing me) It was all better. I guess my little pep talk about being only concerned for her and her son gave her some courage and she spoke up. J and I were able to spend several days together with our boys and just catch up. It was so exciting that I finally got her to see my house and just hang out. She is on her way back to her mother's for about 2 weeks, then will be back on the Cape. YAY!! I miss her already, but I guess I can wait to see her again.

Hubby Russell went up to New Hampshire for a boys weekend. He is going to ride his ATV with his friend and just try to chill out. He has been under such immense stress and hope this will help him get some distance from it all. He needs it!
Lastly, we have adopted another cat. It is our very good friends cat, and he is moving, so best to give the cat a good ,stable home (and he picked ours??!) Anyway, the cat is adjusting nicely. Our older cats are actually ok with it, and there have been minimal hissing fits. If I can figure out to post his picture in the right place in the post, will let you see what he looks like!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Not much to say...

...so might as well say it with a few photos!

**DISCLAIMER:By the way..as I look at these photos, I realize he is wearing the same shirt in all the pictures. It just so happens he is very fond of Cookie Monster, and that happens to be his favorite. Honestly, I can bury it in the drawer and he will dig it out. I do put him in other clothes. Honest.**
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Pirate's Booty
Then, the very next day, we went food shopping together!! I know it doesn't seem like a huge deal, but we laughed and had a great time. It was wonderful spending time with her. She is going thru some serious crap now, and I feel like that is all I can do for her is give her my time.
So, that's it. Hopefully in the near future, we can have more adventures. Even if it is just food shopping. It makes such a tumultuous task a lot more fun when you have a conspiritor along for the ride~
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Is it over yet?
Today is the last of the big things going on this month..it is Russell's family reunion, and thank goodness it is being held right down the street from the homestead. It starts this afternoon at 2pm, and should be a fun time. Lobsters, grilling, and seeing everyone (82 at last count!). But hopefully things will be calmer in July. It was nice to get away as often as I did in June, but I am ready to put down my roots again and be a homebody. I missed everyone and felt like I was always gone. I did have a pleasant time with my mother, it was odd at first spending so much time with her, but the uneasiness went away and we just had fun.
I hope to, in the month of July, reconnect with my cousin, J, from Switzerland. My schedule has just been so packed, I haven't had a chance to see her. The good news is we talk everyday, usually multiple times. It is so good to talk to her. We have been able to talk kids, dirty diapers and strategies that worked for us. Good times.
Phineas had his 15 month appointment this week and the doctor said he was perfect *insert BEAMING here*. He is 33" long, and weighs 23 lbs 4 oz. 40th percentile for weight, 93rd for height. He is right on track for words and a little bit ahead of schedule with teeth (ELEVEN!). So, that was reassuring to know he is doing perfectly.
Well-that would about wrap it up for now. It was a good month, after a crap start. Bring on July!!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Thirty Nine Things About Yourself
[one] what is your natural hair color?
Medium brown
[two] where is your default picture taken?
Technically, on the porch. But can I figure how to post the dang thing? noooooo...
[three] what's your middle name?
Beth. But, I took my maiden name as middle name when I got married
[four] your current relationship status?
Married, working very hard on happily, but solid.
[five] does your crush like you back?
Do tell of this crush!!
[six] what is your current mood?
[seven] what color underwear are you wearing?
Black with little white polka dots
[eight] what makes you happy?
Phineas, Russell, shopping, relaxing, having time to read
where is number [nine]?
[ten] if you could go back in time and change something, what would you change?
I would have gone to school for a totally different subject
[eleven] if you must be an animal for one day, what would you be?
A whale shark-they are amazing. And not just because I most closely physically resemble them, either!
[twelve] ever had a near death experience?
[thirteen] something you do a lot?
Change diapers
[fourteen] the song stuck in your head?
"Living in America" by James Brown...Russell is watching Rocky IV!
[fifteen] who did you copy and paste this from?
Jeanne, but originally saw it on Karyns
[sixteen] name someone with the same birthday as you?
My uncle Terry, and a guy I used to see, Nathan L.
[seventeen] when was the last time you cried?
Tuesday June 12th
[eighteen] have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
[nineteen] if you could have one super power what would it be?
[twenty] what's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Collarbones and eyes
[twenty-one] what do you usually order from starbucks?
I ordered one thing from Starbucks (hot chocolate) and after my 1st sip threw it out. So, nothing. They won't get any further business from me.
[twenty two] what is your biggest secret?
And I would tell you that WHY?
[twenty-three] favorite colors?
Purple and green
[twenty-four] when was the last time you lied?
Gosh, besides socially acceptable white lies? I can't even remember
[twenty-five] do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?
[twenty-six] what are you eating or drinking at the moment?
Diet pepsi with Lime
[twenty-seven] do you speak any other language?
[twenty-eight] what's your favorite scent?
Clove and freshly cut grass
[twenty-nine] if you could describe your life in one word what would it be?
[thirty] when was the last time you gave/received a hug?
About an hour ago
[thirty-one] have you ever kissed in the rain?
[thirty-two] what are you thinking about right now?
Gotta refill the cat's food bowl to get Felix to be quiet
[thirty-three] what should you be doing?
See above...
[thirty-four] what was the last thing that made you upset/angry?
Crap with step kids and MOTHRA
[thirty-five] how often do you pray?
A few times a week, but haven't been to church(besides weddings and funerals) in a LONG time
[thirty-six] do you like working in the yard?
yes, wish I had more time to do it!!
[thirty-seven] if you could have any last name in the world, what would you want?
Crowe. *wink*
[thirty-eight] do you act differently around your crush?
Please tell me about this crush!!!
[thirty-nine] name one song that reminds you of an ex?
Pour Some Sugar on Me (get your minds OUT OF THE GUTTER, Ladies!!! not at all what you think!!!)
Thursday, June 14, 2007
This n that meets MOTHRA
There has been so much going on, I just don't even know where to start. I guess I should probably give a Phineas update, since this is what this blog is supposed to be about, huh? Well, we have survived a molar, folks. For the first time in my limited parenting career, I actually called the Doctor's office on a Saturday. He had been crying and screaming uncontrollably all night and was just in pain. That is the stuff that just cuts me to my very soul. I never thought I could hurt so badly and not be in physical pain myself. But, alas, it was a molar. We were instructed and advised to give him Benadryl, so we could ALL get a good nights sleep. I *heart* Benadryl!! Bring on the rest of the molars!! we are now armed and ready.
The next really fun thing is he is attempting to talk more, and sometimes his words are amazingly clear. My friend, K, was coming to watch him for me, and I said to him:"Phin! Auntie K K is here!!" and he said, albeit slurry, "Ke ke keke". It was so cool. He is very clear now on "ba" and "bye". He is even beginning to wave at the right time!! Normally he waved after the person left, now he is doing it when they are actually leaving. It is so amazing to see the little changes.
Something I am not crazy about is a new skill he has acquired that he climbs on the chairs to get onto the dining room table. Yea, not liking that at all. But, he is rather good at it. Must be those Southern genes he inherited. Altho I have been told by both my parents he comes by it honestly from me. Moi? Never. I don't believe them.
Went away last weekend for an Estrogen filled girls weekend in New Hampshire, minus one very important friend, K. I understand why she couldn't come, but still. We painted our toenails and fingernails!!! Good food, way too many carbs, boardgames and gossip. Fun times, fun times.
Today I am leaving to go to Mohegan Sun for 2 days with my mother. This should be interesting. My mother and I haven't had one-on-one time in YEARS. Our relationship has improved vastly since Phineas debuted, but still. This should be quite the little lab experiment. Wish me luck.
There is a boat load more stuff going on with Russell's kids, the ex-wife, blah blah blah. I have talked about it so much, and just don't have an iota of energy left to write it all out. All I can say is the ex-wife(whom from this time forward shall be referred to as MOTHRA) sucks. She is a bitter, nasty person and seems to be passing those qualities onto her kids.
Well, time for Phin's breakfast. Talk to you all later!!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Am I the only one who thinks this way?
However...does anyone else think that their baby likes everyone else, instead of you? This is a very difficult thing to explain. It just seems like there are days when I go from being center of the universe, to NOTHING. NADA. Momma who? He loves Daddy all the time, loves grandparents, loves aunts and uncles, and close friends. Always smiles, laughs, and does great. Then I have to take him home. He lets me know with his silence he is anything but pleased. For example-today I picked him up from a very good and social day with his grandparents. He was silly, giggling and eating. I load him into the car seat, immediately the tears start flowing. I can understand that. I am taking him out of a fun situation. However, when we get home, he almost IGNORES me. I try playing with him-NO. I try to play "catch the baby"-NO. I try giving him a bottle-NO. I try snuggling and kissing-NO. But, as soon as I get the hint and start doing something else that doesn't focus on him (like making dinner!) He is ALL OVER ME. Sigh.
Am I the only one who thinks their kids like everyone but them?? Please tell me no!!
Monday, May 28, 2007

This weekend was HOT. So, while focusing on keeping Phin cool, I of course went ballistic with the camera..someone really needs to stop me. He isn't going to recognize me without the camera infront of my face!! At this rate, the poor thing will be on the therapists couch by the time he is 5.
Gotta love nakkie baby bums, though!!
Tarot fun
You are The Wheel of Fortune
Good fortune and happiness but sometimes a species of
intoxication with success
The Wheel of Fortune is all about big things, luck, change, fortune. Almost always good fortune. You are lucky in all things that you do and happy with the things that come to you. Be careful that success does not go to your head however. Sometimes luck can change.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Old School Fun!
In the near future, A and her husband are going to be moving back to the Cape. It will be nice to have them close again!
Love ya, kitten!
Friday, May 25, 2007
Well butter my biscuit.
Yesterday, as I was feeding Phin his lunch, I was again overcome with the urge to contact my cousin I told you about in this little doozy of a post...
So, I picked up the phone and called. SHE ANSWERED. After getting over the initial shock of hearing her voice I found out what had happened. I don't want to get too into it, and violate her privacy, but HUGE medical issues resulting from her pregnancy which was very difficult. It caused her to essentially lose a year of her memory, and not to mention, she is now legally blind as a result of complications. She is also suffering from severe post partum depression, and post traumatic stress disorder. She is getting the help she so desperately needs thru medication,supervision, and therapy.
Surprisingly, I have let go of all the anxiety, stress, anger and hostility. I believe her. And I am just so thrilled to have her back. I realize that it may not be the same, and it may take a while because she has so many other things going on. But that is ok. She's back.
And I am happy and content with that.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
I admit it. I am an Addict.
Yesterday I arrived home from work, Phin in tow, and saw the brown box sitting on the porch. I could not at that exact moment reach to get it, as I was weighed down with 2 armfuls of stuff. After safely depositing child and other miscellaneous crap in house, I rushed out to collect the goods. FOUR overstuffed envelopes of glorious, glossy finish photos.
I had to wait til Phin retired for the evening to organize all the pics chronologically and prepare to place them lovingly in their albums. Well, let me tell you. This set of pics (all 289 of them) essentially only cover THREE days. Of course, these days are very important-his birthday, his birthday party and his first haircut. I FILLED TWO ENTIRE ALBUMS. Phin is 14 months old, and has 12 albums to commemorate his first year.
Yep, I got myself an addiction.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
All's well on the Mommy front

Monday, May 14, 2007
Happy happy, joy joy!!

We got home, and this kid was ON FIRE. He was laughing, smiling, giggling and doing a lot of talking. He was a pure pleasure to be with. I just love days like this, and makes me wish bedtime wasn't 8pm...but anything beyond that is just pushing it..It took me a while to find the perfect balance of spending time with him, and over doing it. Glad I found it.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
A Gentle Man Lost
We could not see him for a long stretch of time, but when we got together, it was like no time had elapsed. He was a quiet presence that had a terrific laugh, and an equally terrific bellow. He was a patient at the dentist office I used to work at. He was in my husband's Boy Scout Troop.
Our lives, altho somewhat distant physically, seem inexplicably intertwined. My husband and I have been married for 2 1/2 years, and that time has been filled with immense loss-my mother in law, father in law, husbands grandfather, and 3 of our beloved cats. But this is different. This is someone our age, we grew up with him. In fact, my older brother got into a world of trouble in his early teens for teasing Chris and his cousin relentlessly. Mortality has unfortunately hit our family in huge rogue waves, but this. This is just different.
I apoligize if this is just rambling and strung together-but it is difficult to type when my face is burning with the tears. Don't know when his services will be, but hopefully he will get what he always wanted-a firefighters funeral.
He was a rare, special person that forever will leave a pit in my heart. Out of all of our friends, he is definately on a fast track to heaven.
Rest in peace, CWH.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
An openly hostile letter
Background: Cousin who grew up with me and was someone I considered my best friend, lived in Europe for several years, had a baby 3 months before me. Came for a visit in June 2006-had plans to meet up-NEVER HEARD FROM HER AGAIN despite numerous attempts. (She has a history of just ignoring people if she is upset/hurt/angry, and in this case, LIED to.)
So, please entertain me. I'll get back to Phineas after this. It is now coming up on a year since our last contact. There was no argument, no screaming. There was nothing. Just silence.
Dear J;
I SO hope you get your ass, somehow, someway to this letter. I am so upset that I get these waves of need to speak to you. Just when I think I have put the matter to bed, wiped my hands of it, BAM!! it comes and smacks me upside the face. It is very unsettling to be "dropped" by your own family. Honestly, I could care less what the others think, they are hypocrites who engineered this whole thing. It is sad that I still hold onto a glimmer of hope that when I open my email, there will be a note explaining everything. Perhaps you have been taken prisoner and brainwashed. (Folks, that is a serious suggestion. This family is frickin' nuts). I know you were very weak emotionally and physically when you returned home. Your illness while pregnant, and then dealing with an infant was very difficult. I am sorry that people you call your family took advantage of that and cut you away from me. Especially during this time when we could have been enjoying each other, and trying to figure out what these little humans want. We could have traded different techniques, advice and stories and taken our friendship to a whole new level. BABIES ARE SUPPOSED TO BRING PEOPLE TOGETHER, NOT RIP THEM APART. In this whole twisted scenario, I feel pity and sadness that you are depriving the kids of each other, and that you obviously can't think for yourself and pick up the FUCKING PHONE, write a letter, drop an email-Nothing. Your silence stings, your absence in my life has created a black hole of sadness, hostility, and confusion.
I really need to find a way to stop thinking of this. And I really need to get over it, and move on.
Let me introduce myself....

I never thought I would have kids, to be honest with you. I just couldn't visualize me being THAT responsible..funny, as now I can't see my life without him!! I have several friends that keep asking when I am going to have baby #2..Pretty easy answer..NEVER!! I feel good with one, and that is that. I feel no pressing desire for another. In fact, I took the bold step of ridding my house of all of the baby gear he has already grown out of. I am so ruthless!!
So that is about it. We'll see what happens next!!